Posted: 5/19/2016 6:17 PM by
Interim HealthCare
Besides the obvious problems associated with hearing loss, your elderly loved one is at risk of other problems when his or her hearing begins to fail. If you’re aware of the potential trouble that could pop up, you’re more likely to be better prepared to help the individual deal with the situation.
Inability to Communicate Effectively
With friends and family, your elderly loved one may still be able to communicate fairly well. With others, however, it could be difficult to both be heard and for the individual to hear and understand what’s going on. This can all contribute to communication errors that could be severe enough that the older individual actually stops trying to talk to others or trying to figure out what they’re saying. When that happens, other people then stop trying to communicate with the individual, making the situation worse all the way around.
Negative Feelings
Your elderly loved one can develop a whole range of negative feelings around being unable to properly hear. He or she might become frustrated, angry, or anxious when it comes to social interactions in which they can’t hear well. That can lead to feelings of isolation and depression if the situation goes on for long enough. The elderly person may even stop being involved in social activities altogether, making him or her even more isolated. All of these negative feelings build on each other, causing emotional harm.
Mentally and Physically Exhausting
When your elderly loved one can’t hear well, other parts of his brain try to compensate. He or she also consciously works harder at trying to make out what is being said, which is exhausting. The more tired your loved one is, the more difficult it can be to participate in conversations.
Safety Issues
Occasionally hearing loss can affect an elderly person’s balance, which can make him or her more likely to have a fall. The elderly person also might not be able to hear noises that could alert him or her to a situation that could have been avoided had the noise been heard. All of this works together to make safety an even bigger concern for your elderly loved one.
Your loved one’s senior care providers can help him or her learn ways to accommodate hearing loss, making it easier to interact with others.