Tag: Elder

Study finds link between adverse childhood experiences and elder abuse

To supply a clearer view of the connection between ACEs and intergenerational violence, the results of different variables had been

The Other Side Of Elder Abuse. Here’s What Older Caregivers Face

(Photograph by Thierry Zoccolan / AFP) (Photograph by THIERRY ZOCCOLAN/AFP through Getty Pictures)AFP through Getty Pictures In his 2018 tune

Taking Time Out from Elder Care: How to Not Feel Guilty

Posted: 5/14/2014 3:39 PM by Interim HealthCare Taking care of an elderly individual, whether it’s a family member or

Important Facts about Gout and Why Elder Care Makes a Difference

Posted: 8/22/2014 9:55 AM by Interim HealthCare Gout is a severe form of arthritis more commonly found among elderly

Improved Elder Care in 5 Easy Steps

Posted: 7/20/2015 1:30 PM by Interim HealthCare Elder Care Tips by Interim HealthCareThere are many ways to improve care

Elder Care Tips: Eating Safely

Posted: 10/29/2015 1:26 PM by Interim HealthCare Eating is a daily element of your elderly care routine with your

Elder Care Observances: Mental Health Wellness Week

Posted: 11/6/2015 2:43 PM by Interim HealthCare November 9 through 15 is Mental Health Wellness Week, the perfect opportunity

Elder Care Tips for Dealing with Immobility

Posted: 2/1/2016 1:25 PM by Interim HealthCare A large percentage of the elderly adult population deals with some level

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