
Bad Exercises: What They Are and Why You Should Avoid Them

Bodybuilding has been around for quite some time now, but we have to be honest and say that the science

Editor's Top Picks

How to Enjoy Thanksgiving and Stick to Fitness Goals

Thanksgiving is commonly known as a holiday of over-indulgence. Families spend hours preparing rich and delicious foods, then share an afternoon and evening enjoying all

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Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

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The BIGGEST Mistakes New Lifters Make

Many people make the same errors when learning new exercises… I also realized that I

The 6 Best Exercises For Your Abs…

In the early days of my fitness business, I taught a boot camp fitness class…

Jump into 2023 with These Fun Fitness Goals

Are you starting 2023 with the goal to improve your fitness and lose weight this

How To Gain Weight Fast – Even With A Super-Fast Metabolism

This is a guest post from Rafi Bar-Lev of  Take it away Rafi on

What to Love About Working Out

February is the month of love: a time to share love and devotion with the